How Mining Works

2024-11-16 · Ryan X. Charles

Your Goal: Find Shares

Each swipe tries to find a valid share. If you find N shares, and everybody together finds M shares, you get N / M of the upcoming block reward, after the fee. The block reward is split among the shares. The more shares you find, the more you earn.

Calculating Earnings

Each block is 100 EBX for the first four years. The block reward halves every four years. There is a 30% fee to the mine, so 70 EBX are distributed to the miners for each block. If you find 10 shares, and everybody together finds 1000 shares, you get (10 / 1000) * 70 = 0.7 EBX.

No Block Bonus

Sometimes, a valid share is also a valid block. However, blocks are rare, and you do not get any bonus for finding a block. Your goal is to find shares, which give you a portion of the upcoming block.

WebGL Required

All modern devices should get at least 10 work/s. If you are getting less than that, you may need to enable WebGL so that your device is actually using the GPU. Please see this guide to enable WebGL. If that doesn’t work, please try a different device. It is important to have a good GPU.

Multiple Buttons

Some devices benefit from swiping multiple buttons simultaneously due to the lag of sending/receiving from the server and well as sending/receiving from the GPU itself. Please monitor the work/s when using multiple buttons and bear in mind that if the work/s decreases per button, but the total number of work/s increases, you may find more total shares that way.

What It Is Doing

Each “work” is one iteration of the proof-of-work algorithm (PoW algo). The PoW algo will change with time, but right now what it is doing is using recent block data as pseudo-random data that is plugged into a giant 1627x1627 matrix which is squared using your GPU. The result of that calculation is reduced, hashed, added to the current working header, and hashed again to get the final hash. The purpose is to make sure that the bulk of the calculations run optimally on a GPU (matrix multiplication, or matmul) so that no one has a reason to develop custom mining hardware, therefore making sure that mining is accessible to ordinary people on ordinary consumer devices (which all have a GPU).

More Information

All information is on the blog. The PoW algo is open-source and available on GitHub. You can find the EarthBucks community on various social media platforms including Telegram, Discord, and reddit, the links of which can be found at the bottom of the home page.

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