The EarthBucks testnet is live. Right now, you can mine blocks, and soon, there will be testnet EarthBucks, which you can send around. Because it is helpful if people mine the testnet and help find issues, I’ve decided to incentivize mining the testnet by giving space in the genesis block.
If you mine testnet blocks now, you will get a portion of the real genesis block. Your rewarded amount of EarthBucks in the genesis block will be determined by your fraction of the total testnet blocks mined. If you mine 200 testnet blocks, and there are 2000 testnet blocks in total, then you will get 10% of the genesis block, after the 30% mining fee. The first block will be 100 EBX. This means you get 10% of 70 EBX, or 7 EBX.
Anybody who has already mined testnet blocks is already guaranteed a fraction of the genesis block.
I will need to delete the testnet shares and blocks before launching the real blockchain. However, I have decided to save a record of the number “block badges” (successfully mined blocks) on your user profile. This data will not be deleted before launch. These are the numbers that will be used to determine what fraction of the genesis block you get. If you want to get coins in the real EarthBucks genesis block, then mine at least one testnet block now.