42 Million EarthBucks

2024-05-08 · Ryan X. Charles

I briefly intended to make the total amount of EarthBucks equal 42, but then learned there is another project called 42 coin, which already did the same thing ten years ago. So I took a poll to reconsider the number of tokens, and by and large the anonymous poll respondents tend to believe 42 million is the best number.

I agree with 42 million for the following reasons:

  • It is close to Bitcoin, making it easy to compare.
  • It is a slightly more memorable number than Bitcoin, due to the Hitchhiker’s Guide (HHGTTG) reference.
  • It small enough that when the coin has a small value in the early days, it will likely have a value that is comparable to fiat currency (although this is impossible to predict precisely).
  • It so happens that 42 million is the limit reached when mining 100 coins per block for the first halving period, which is a nice round number.

Thus, all considered, I have decided to go with 42 million EarthBucks.

Poll results

Discord poll results:

  • 42 (0)
  • 42 million (5)
  • 42 trillion (0)

Twitter poll results:

  • 42 (6)
  • 42 million (14)
  • 42 trillion (10)

Telegram poll results:

  • 42 (4)
  • 42 million (11)
  • 42 trillion (6)


  • 42 (10)
  • 42 million (30)
  • 42 trillion (16)

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